Can bookkeeping be warm and fuzzy like your favourite puppy?

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I wasn’t always owned by cat(s) (as I am now).

That’s me and Smokey, our current cat, in the picture. He chases me onto the couch in the afternoons for nap time. I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. If you’re owned by a cat, you know what I mean.

But my first pet (excluding goldfish and a turtle or two) was a miniature Schnauzer named Peanuts.

You know what I remember about him?

🐕I hated walking him in February. Too damn’ cold for the both of us (one reason, I think, that I went over to the Cat Side).

🐕 My mom never wanted a dog – until that night Peanuts slept on her feet and kept them warm. After that, she was his biggest fan.

🐕When my grandmother lived with us, he used to sleep across the door of her room at night, protecting the oldest member of the pack.


So what’s that got to do with today?

Like my mom not wanting a dog, nobody wants an accountant or a bookkeeper. (You need one, not want one. Unless you’re talking about a particular one, like, I don’t know – cough, cough – you’re friendly neighbourhood AccountingWizard.)

But I do give you that warm and fuzzy, toasty toes feeling about what’s afoot in your business (or at least the confidence that your books are done and are up to date and that tax time will be a breeze).

And I do try to protect you from CRA or other issues. (No, I won’t sleep across your door. I’ve been told I snore too loudly for that).

So tell me, what do you remember about your first pet?

Gotta go. Smokey says it’s nap time and he wants me on the couch now.


PS Blame any tyops in this post on the cat.

PPS Really, let me know about your first pet!


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