You’re running a business—and now it’s suddenly online—and you’ve got so many new things to do. You know that you’ve got to book appointments with clients (or potential clients), but it’s time consuming. You want appointment setting to be a breeze, not a chore.
Of course you would.
According to a very un-scientific survey I recently did amongst users of appointment booking apps:
Saved time by using one.
Saved 1-5 hours per month (what would YOU do with that extra time?)
Booked additional or new appointments because they used one.
And, 60% of those additional appointments became paying clients. (Your mileage may vary on this one!)
That’s why you’ve been looking at all the appointment booking apps that are out there. You’ve done your research, asked your clients, colleagues and friends, and decided that Calendly is the one for you.
We’ll review all of the setup options for an appointment, work out what’s best for you—and you’ll know how to change them on your own.
We’ll go through the entire process and test it to make sure it’s right. No more switching from one app to another and doing it all manually!
That’s why I’m here. I’ve already spent the time learning this stuff and now I can help you!
With the Calendly Jumpstart Session, you’ll be up and running in 90-minutes (really). (OK, sometimes it takes 2 hours—but that’s OK, I won’t close up the Zoom session!)
(along with me, that is. I’ll be with you every step of the way. This is a hands-on interactive session.)
Hi, I’m Lawrence Fox, the CPA who loves to do bookkeeping and accounting. I’m the go-to guy for coaches, consultants and creatives who are overwhelmed by their accounting.
So what does that have to with Calendly?
Trying to book appointments with my clients used to be a major hassle, especially when I moved my practice to the online world. I needed a solution that would save me time and make it quick, simple and easy for my clients or prospects to book appointments with me.
I had noodled about with Calendly, never using it seriously until a colleague showed me how—and then I committed myself to trying it.
I’ve never looked back since.
It paid for itself in time savings alone in the first two days I used it.
I started to rave about it to anyone who’d listen—who then told me “Boy, do I need help with that!”
I’m no dummy (I am an accountant after all), and so I created the Calendly Jumpstart Session to do just that!
In 90 minutes, you'll be done and ready to use it.
And you can be one of those people who confidently hand out a scheduling link in an email, blog post or networking event so you easily get one-on-one with clients and prospects.
But you can have a system in place to arrange a meeting easily without investing days of your time learning how.
The Jumpstart Warmup Kit
This is your first step to get you going, and will maximize the usefulness of our time together. The Kit includes a summary of the Calendly pricing/feature options and some help on choosing which one is best for you. (We’ll review this in your session). It also includes a road map of how Calendly works with your online calendar. And you’ll get a worksheet to help you start brainstorming about your appointment (event) types
The Jumpstart Session
We’ll have a 90-minute interactive Zoom session where we’ll do the actual work. We’ll discuss your goals with setting appointments, confirm your choice of Calendly package, and start creating appointments customized to your unique business. And you’ll get to ask all the questions that you’ve got and I’ll try to answer them all. (I’m good, but not all-knowing. But I’ll follow up and find out!) When we’re done, you’ll be able to use Calendly with confidence and say goodbye to scheduling issues!
(Want to know all the nitty-gritty details about what we’ll cover in your session? Here they are:)
During your session we will:
Jumpstart Followup Zoom Call
During your session, we’ll book a 30-min follow up appointment for 2-3 weeks later to review your progress, share success stories, and answer any other questions that you might have.
$399.00 CAD
(including HST if you’re in Canada)
(If you’re in the US, UK or EU, you get the benefit of that sweet-as-maple-syrup exchange rate difference!)
Before you click on that button below to book your session:
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
Pick the day and time and that fits your schedule for your Jumpstart Session from the calendar below. Click on the "Confirm" button when it pops up and you're on your way.
Within 24 hours of booking your Jumpstart, you’ll receive an email from me with details about your Session and your Calendly Jumpstart Warmup Kit .
We have your session on the day and time that you've choosen and you will say goodbye to scheduling headaches and hello to more time to do what you love!
90-minutes minimum. Sometimes we’ll go as long as two hours.
90-minutes minimum. Sometimes we’ll go as long as two hours.
$399.00 CAD (including HST if you’re in Canada)
(if you’re in the US, EU or UK, you get the benefit of that sweet-as-maple-syrup exchange rate difference!)
When you book your Session, you’ll be taken to Paypal. You can use your credit or debit card to pay there. This charge will appear on your credit card statement as a payment to PAYPAL *WIZARDGROUP
You can re-schedule your appointment twice through a Calendly link.
After that you’ll have to re-book and pay again.
No refunds.
Maybe—if you’ve already spent some time with the product and you take this session to sharpen your skills and knowledge. But if not, you’ll certainly be a journeyman on their way to mastery and you’ll have the skills and knowledge to handle Calendly and make it work for you. No longer a padawan, but not yet a full Jedi.
No. I use the program myself and fell in love with it and kept talking about it to friends, colleagues and clients–and so many said “Oh, SO need help with that!”
I’m Lawrence Fox, the bowtie-wearing, fountainpen-wielding CPA who loves to do bookkeeping and accounting. I’m the go-to guy for coaches, consultants and creatives who’d rather have root canal than do their books.
(Oh, and by the way, I do bookkeeping and accounting too. Interested in talking about that after we get you sorted out?)
Want to know what the QuickDiagnostic looks at? Here’s just a few of the items:
We hop on the telephone for a 45-minute, complimentary, no-obligation “Getting to Know You” consultation. I’ll ask you a whole bunch of questions to evaluate where you are now, where you want to go, and what you expect to get out of us working together. And yes, you’ll also have time to ask me questions.
If we do decide that we’re a good fit, we’ll schedule the next step. If we’re not a good fit (now) that’s OK. (It happens—better to figure that out now!)